Fireworks... multiple times!!! Love the new aerial fireworks!
Great job Ethan!!!
Ava doing a "kick over"
David's Birthday!!!
We were at a friend's house the other day making snow cones and I was assigned to work on some shaved ice that had been in the freezer. I couldn't quite get it all soft and loose and said to our hostess, "I have one chunk that is being stubborn." Ethan walked up and said, "Who... who mom who, are you talking about me, am I the chunk that's being stubborn" - completely serious. I laughed... out loud in fact, and that takes a lot, ask David.
Tonight at the dinner table Ethan turned and said "Who kinda stinks, was it you Mom?". I looked at him in wonder and we figured out in reality he said, "Who got us drinks, was it you Mom?".
We are having such a fantastic summer. Of course there are far too many chores that don't get done, and things are definitely not perfect around here, but I kind of want to cry thinking of school starting again. I just love this time, it is so fun. We have done some fun adventures this summer: Mrs. Field's cookie tour, Gateway fountains, swimming, splash pads, water-skiing, hiking, Thanksgiving Point, David's parents coming home, fireworks, birthdays, Trio, and having fun with friends and family. To think about all the craziness that comes with school... I think they could probably learn all the same things in 4-5 hours a day, or 4 days a week...
Ethan is currently swimming in soccer- he has a tournament this week, one next week and finished his first one at the end of July- they took 2nd!!! Some of the kids looked like they were going to cry coming off the field, but not Ethan, he was ecstatic to get a medal! He is doing piano as well. Ava is doing gymnastics and soccer starts in 10 days! She wants to do dance and take piano, and I want her in swimming lessons... what to do, what to do. Aidan, well, he is just happy whenever he is with Gunga (Grandma or Grandpa) or when he has a cookie or cracker. He is starting to talk up a storm and has become quite opinionated in his 20 months. He makes everyone happy all of the time. As for David and I, we are coming up on 10 years at the end of the month. He sure puts up with a lot from me, but I couldn't be happier. Any suggestions for 10 year anniversaries... gifts or events???
I love this family!!!! I miss you so much!
Loved reading this, made me miss you guys even more. Happy 10th anniversary - hope you guys had a fun time. It was so fun to see you guys this summer, hope we see you soon. Tell Ethan congrats on his soccer, it makes me sad he and Callum don't live closer, they had a blast this summer.
Such a cute family! So glad we can call you friends!
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