Saturday, September 12, 2009

Latest Howell Happenings

Just a little update on what is going on with us, along with some pictures. It has been a great summer and I can feel fall knocking at the door - Come On In! I love fall and can not wait for the apples on my parents tree to be ready to pick for applesauce, apple nutmeg cake, apple pie, apple cider... yes we will be tired of apples come December.

I have found that my house is a little cleaner since I can't do much to get ready for our baby yet - I am sure the clothes would have least been out and sorted if we new the gender, but I am guessing it is a girl (I gotta have something to blame my moodiness on). We went and saw a friends preemie baby this week who weighs 5 lbs 7 oz and she is just so teeny- 12 more long weeks for us! We still have not made any headway on baby names, so feel free to share- we need all the help we can get! I gave Dave a list of about ten names of each gender probably 2-3 weeks ago and I don't think he has even looked at it yet!

Ethan started Kindergarten and loves it! He loves his teacher and is doing great in his school work! Ava started preschool and also loves it! She asks me everyday if I am going to miss her and laughs when I say how much I will miss her. They both did a reading program at the library this summer and received free cookies from Cookies By Design (see below- they are yummy!), and they get free taco's, Carl's Junior Kids Meals and both got free books- love the library!

First Days of School

Swimming in St.George- We went to St. George with my family. We had a great time in the lava caves, the crack, on the hydrotube, and swimming!

Here is Ethan in Wizard of Oz- he loved it!


Lyndsey said...

Oh Kari - they are adorable, I love Ava's cute little face going to school. How fun for you to have a few hours to yourself before baby comes!
The other day Callum told me he wanted to move to Utah so he could always play with Ethan. We miss you guys - hope you are feeling well, and can't wait to see the latest addition!

lys said...

I can't believe how grown up Ava is now. Such a big girl and SO CUTE!

emily said...

Kari-I am so glad you found the blog. I have MISSED you so much. You are having a baby! Congrats! I would love to catch up. You guys need to come visit us in San Diego. I need at least a weekend to catch up on your life!

Sarah and Jonathan Whisenant said...

Finally another post! I love it.

Bamboo Grovers said...

Hi Kari - it is so great to hear your news and to see all the photos - the kids look great and I am so happy for you that you are going to have another baby!Looking at all your photos made me homesick for utah. Miss you.