Sunday, February 10, 2008

Busy Season is upon us

In the bleak mid winter... David's hours are insane this time of year, so here are some images of what we have been doing to stay busy. I wanted Ethan and Ava to be closer in age, but they are absolutely best friends, it is pretty dang fun to be a part of the party!!! And babe, we love you!!!

One of Ava's favorite past times is dancing and Ethan has been really into his puzzles lately, which he does "all by himself, super fast".

Drinking our daily hot chocolate: Pick a flaver, currently we have mint truffle, milk chocolate, milk chocolate wit marshmellows, chocolate carmel, chocolate cinnamon, hazelnut, and Gano.

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said... have the CUTEST kids, those pictures are all adorable. They look like best buds, so sweet. I hope you are surviving all the long hours and managing to stay somewhat sane!