Sunday, February 10, 2008

When it rains it pours!

Ok, when I get into this blogging thing, you get the whole bit. Here are a couple more past times for us...

Ava is still as crazy as always. She has found a new favorite hiding place (see below)- under the kitchen sink. After she opened and tasted dish washing detergent two times (Yes I have felt horrible guilt over this b/c supposedly it is the worst type of detergent to ingest), although in small amounts, I moved it to the counter top (I know I should just get the child locks!). Well, she seemed to think it was an open invitation and proceeded a few days later to mover her shoes into the cupboard under the kitchen sink- 4 pairs actually, and one loner shoe. She loves to climb in and hide in the back corner- to which I kindly pull her out over and over each day. Here she is coming out of hiding from her favorite spot!!!

Also, Ethan is an awesome helper. I think I treat him like he is 10 sometimes, but check it out- he made his bed by himself!!!! And you should have seen it before! I think he follows in Dave's footsteps of perfectionism sometimes. He folds towels, vacuums (not perfectly by any means), and does other jobs- I love it!!!

Other happenings this week: Ava has climbed into the bath tub fully dressed and turned on the water (three times), Ethan spilled a bowl of cereal (not a bite had been taken) with milk onto our lovely carpeted kitchen floor, Ava dumped macaroni and cheese on the same lovely carpeted kitchen floor, Ava fell down the stairs (only 6, she barely cried)- she has been trying to teach herself to go up and down like an adult (up two stairs- walk down frontwards over and over), and Dave and I beat my parents in spades 503-150ish. Ahhh... we hope your lives can all be as eventful as ours are!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That bed looks AWESOME!! He should come over and teach us how to make a bed. I won't even attempt to make O's bed way up there. We love Ethan and that crazy Ava!